Home Law Preparing For a Title IX Hearing

Preparing For a Title IX Hearing

Source: nmllplaw.com

Being accused of sexual misconduct on campus can be life-changing. If found guilty, you could lose various opportunities in life. You will likely face dismissal from your school or university and find it challenging to get into another institution or find a good job. In short, your life as a student may end completely.

Additionally, you will also experience difficulty landing a good position in a good company. Since employers do a background check before hiring someone, they will likely become aware of this charge. The background check results will reveal that you were charged with sexual assault or harassment on campus.

You can hide the charges as much as you want, but 21st-century technology won’t make that easy for you. Charges of sexual assault are taken very seriously in every corner of the world, no matter where you go. When these charges come to the surface, you will likely be removed or rejected from any institution.

Charges of Title IX sexual harassment are not something you should take lightly. Perhaps the first step to resolving a Title IX issue is realizing the gravity of your situation. Taking the situation lightly should not be an option since it can significantly cost you in the long run.

If you or a loved one has been accused of a Title IX charge, it is important to get legal help immediately. You will need to prepare for the various hearings and interviews that will come your way. Hiring an attorney can help ease your burden and give you the legal guidance you need. To do that you can hire ones from http://studentdisciplinedefense.com/.

The most important thing to do

Source: playbill.com

When you realize that you have been accused of a Title IX charge, the most important thing is to study your school’s Title IX procedures.

The information should be laid out in the school’s handbook, which is provided to every student and teacher. These are usually very detailed and are contained within several pages. Make sure you go through each page, understand each section thoroughly, and consult your attorney or a teacher about something you do not understand.

Also, pay attention to what your school considers consent. It may be that you had mistakenly considered something the party did as consent when they were not giving consent. You may find this surprising, but different schools may have different definitions of consent.

Find out what words or phrases may be referred to as consent by your school before bringing your case. Remember that what you may consider consent may not be the same for the school or university you are a student in or where the case occurred.

If you have been accused, the good thing is that you will be given a chance to present your case and defend the charges. When the victim makes a complaint, you will be contacted through a written notice or email. You will be notified about a hearing where you can prove your innocence by providing sufficient evidence.

The evidence-gathering process is perhaps one of the most challenging ones. You must study your case thoroughly, research the laws and your rights, and figure out how to build a strong case. A strong case is not built without evidence to back up your claims. Remember that anything you claim must have solid proof.

Source: ericgjohnsonlaw.com

Evidence earns you credibility in court. After all, you cannot expect people to trust your words without showing proof of your innocence. You may find the process of finding evidence difficult and maybe even impossible. However, it is nothing an experienced Title IX attorney cannot do.

This is perhaps one of the most important reasons to hire an attorney. You may think you can handle the case independently, especially because you have not done anything wrong. However, you do not have the years of knowledge, experience, and necessary tools and resources to gather evidence.

Another plus point of hiring an attorney is that they do not only dig up evidence that the average person often overlooks but also speak to potential witnesses. Witnesses can make your case even more strong.

Another essential thing to do when you first become aware of your charges is to gather evidence. Evidence typically consists of text messages, emails, pictures, videos, and social media posts. You can also bring witnesses to the hearing. However, the witnesses must be credible; they should have a good image before the court.

The plaintiff will go first

The plaintiff usually goes first during the hearing and makes a statement about the incident. Since sexual misconduct is a sensitive topic, there may be a lot of emotional expressions involved during the process. This is where you might feel that the entire courtroom is against you. However, it is important to control your anger and keep calm.

Remember that getting angry at the plaintiff, especially in front of the judge and the jury, will not help you but ruin your chances of winning even more. Nobody thinks anything good about someone who cannot control their anger in front of a crowd. In fact, it may ruin your credibility before the judge even more.

Source: findlaw.com

One more important thing is to stick to your story. If you consider lying to speed up the process, remember that it will only cost you in the long run. Some lawyers even suggest their clients lie. If your attorney is doing the same, it is time to look for another.

Changing the story will cause suspicion about your case, and you may lose credibility. There is no room for mistakes in a legal case, especially one as serious as a sexual harassment charge.

Defending a student in a Title IX case is no less than being in a trial. Hire an attorney to deal with Title college disciplinary hearings and school procedures with expertise. An attorney will not only make sure you win but also protect your rights. They can ensure the school is not engaging in biased behavior against you and help you preserve a record for a successful appeal.