Home Daily Infographics Timing Is Everything – Understanding B2B Buyer Behavior

Timing Is Everything – Understanding B2B Buyer Behavior

timing is everything

B2B buyer behavior

In today’s digital age, web is number one when it comes to business to business, and for marketers this is the best way to get more leads on buyers. If you understand buyers behavior online, you can make yourself big difference in terms of whether your sales will gain quality lead or not. So the question is, are you making sure that you’re in tune with preferences of your buyers? This is really crucial, and it means that you have to know everything, but one thing is for sure, timing is everything. How quick you are when calling a lead is measured in seconds. It’s all you have to max out the chances to qualify lead.

According to study, if team who sells something didn’t call leads in 5 second period, they had 30% qualification rate which is above average. When visitor converts on your page, the chance that you have for qualifying them is dropping each second that you’re waiting to call them. After 10 minutes rates will drop probably below average, and after 60 mins they will drop 13% below average.

Best time of day

Focus on online behavior of consumers during the day. At first half of day traffic is highest, but there is also high rate of traffic at the time of lunch. This is proving that people are researching most of the time when they have break. Knowing this, make sure that your team of sales is ready for making calls at this period of day.

Best time of week

If you’re wondering what day in the week activity is highest, well it is Tuesday going through Thursday. But still, your best day will depend on what you’re looking at actually. Traffic is at its most peak on Tuesday, but rates for conversion are most highest at Wednesday. This should mean that you with your team must use Mondays and Fridays for having the meetings.

Best time of year

Rates for conversion are usually being highest at the beginning of new year and during summer. With each new year coming, people have new budgets as well as sense of urgency. So start of the year is best period to make your sales be at their full capacity. Conversions are slowly falling below during summer time, but still rates for qualification are more higher at this time because there is less competition.  You must use that so you can get results and insight into buyers habits which is valuable, but also perform lead researching to fully understand unique buyer behavior. Maybe you don’t need to call everybody in 5 seconds but still focus on how they work so you can quickly respond to people who want immediate responses.

It doesn’t make sense to waste everything of your resources on best strategy for marketing and then totally neglect your team of sales. If you really want to max out turning conversions online into leads, it’s a must for you to understand the behavior of buyers and then with that knowledge align marketing teams and your sales.